Emma Lovewell
September 16, 2020

My Morning Routine

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Comments (4)


Since I have to be at work early and I have a long commute, I like to start my day with a workout, followed by a protein shake, getting ready, and a yummy breakfast. I find that the workout helps me to just take time for myself and to also get me energized for the upcoming day. I tend to use my commute both to and from work to reflect on what my goals are for the day and to process anything I may be feeling based on that day. Plus it helps to listen to some good music or get in a phone call with my sister or mom. Then when I get home I’m ready to focus on spending time with my daughters and husband. I work in the education and mental health field, so I’m a big fan of mindfulness and developing some good coping strategies. =)

I loved this post Emma! I’ve been cutting ties with my phone as well and noticed it has made such a difference. I started charging it in a different part of my room out of reach from my bed overnight, and I’ve woken up feeling relieved to have some space for myself instead of diving straight into my phone. Trying new coffee drinks (adding pumpkin spice to my daily coffee!!!!) is always one of my favorite parts of my morning routine. Loved your point on journaling in the morning – trying to get into this as well!

Starting the no phone strategy followed by gratitude and goal tomorrow morning!!!
This sounds like it could really make a difference in my emotional and mental day.

Love the idea of not reaching for the phone first thing in the AM but I use my phone as an alarm to wake me up…..so not sure what to do there??? Maybe I’ll get an old fashioned alarm clock!
I love your cat Emma…..he looks exactly like my Russian Blue named Mookie (yes I’m from Boston). I adopted him 3 years ago and he’s just the best!

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